
Dead End

If love was a street
You'd be a dead end
Not male bashing
But experience has no lies
So with my real eyes
I realize
Your real lies
And there was no surprise
Cuz you are just like the rest
But your dead end could never compare
To the two way street
He gave to me
So ur probably thinking
That I'm just speaking
And will find comfort
In the street that leads me nowhere fast
And you'll probably say
That some day
I'll find a way
To beautify the progressive deterioration
But you see
I found my two way street
I give to him
As much as he gives to me
Never a doubt in his mind
Or his heart
All that I have to offer
Is real
So as he and I cruise
Down this street of love
We pass a dead end
You know
Your end
The one I thought I could
Maybe convert to a cul de sac
And increase the property value
Then my real eyes
That you were nothing more
Than a wasted investment

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