
My Progress

I've realized that I made a promise to myself. Where am I in that promise?

Progress: Middle English progresse, from Latin prōgressus, from past participle of prōgredī, to advance : prō-, forward; see pro-1 + gradī, to go, walk; see ghredh- in Indo-European roots.

If that's what progress means in its original form...I haven't been very successful. I look at the ring that I wear as and feel like there is no point in wearing it if I continue to live my life in the parameters of this box I have placed myself in. I firmly believe in becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable. So why is it that whenever I want to do something outside my box, I become nervous and regress back inside this box?

Okay...so I actually know the answer to that. It's because I don't like the concept of change. As necessary as it is and as vital as it is to the maturation of people in general, I can't seem to want to change myself. I would rather those around me to change to adjust to what is comfortable for me. And in my mind, I know its not realistic because the only change I have direct power over is the power to change myself.

So what now?!?!?

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