Effin Dumb Ass...
Now for the context. BET Black Carpet host Toure, asked about 10 rappers questions from the Proust Questionnaire. When Soulja Boy came up, he was asked what historical figure he hated most. Toure gave answers that previous rappers had said, such as Hitler and Bin Laden. After Toure said slave masters, Soulja Boy responded with the aforementioned answer. What a dumb ass. And this is the ignorance that we listen to? In retrospect, Soulja Boy ain't said a damn thing since he came out. Don't get me wrong, I did the Soulja Boy with the rest of them. But the more I think about it, the more I realize he is not only bringing down the state of hip-hop as mentioned by veteran rapper Ice-T, but he is also bringing down the state of the black community with dumb shit like this. [woo saw...woo saw]
Yo...I'm fa real pissed. Some white bitch said the same thing my first year in college. But what can I say?!?!? She was probably some sheltered white child with racist parents who just didn't know. But to have a public figure who happens to be a BLACK MAN say this...I'm ashamed to even say I listened to his music. FUCK SOULJA BOY!!
for further readings you can check out: Ron Mexico's Negro Please and Toure's blog on this interview
Where does it come from?
Him: Good Morning
Me: Good morning
Me: how are you
Him: good
Him: what u doin
Me: I'm in class
Him: you should come pick me up
Me: Nope
Him: lol y
Me: cuz I have stuff to do
Him: I wanna taste that
DID I MISS SOMETHING?!?!? Was that supposed to be a turn on or some reason to actually make me drive out to Pasadena and see your no goal setting ass? When did sex become a pick up line?
Or is it me? Maybe I grew up watching shows where men actually courted the women they liked. YES...I said courted. Is it wrong for me to expect a man to be interested in me and not how quickly they can lay me? And they wonder why women claim there are no good black men around. What ever happened to good conversation that was just that, good conversation? Why must the concept of good conversation lead to sex in some way. EXAMPLE:
Me: hey...how was your day
Him: It was cool. My car's in the shop
Me: what happened
Him: the transmission went out
Me: that blows...you sound like you could use a hug
Him: I'm single. I need ass...not no hug. lol
I apologize if I offered a hug. Maybe that sent the wrong implications. Oh wait...I was being cordial. Just like my mama raised me to be. As if the "lol" was to soften the blow of him lowkey implicating that he wanted to have sex. Seriously...what happened to the men who took the time to get to know you. And you looked forward to the phone call where he just wanted to see how your day went and mean it? As opposed to seeing how your day went to determine your mood to see if he could come over later.
Hey...I'm talking to all the men out there. If you have done this, STOP IT!!! It's not sexy, its not a turn on, and you look foolish. Now if this is not you, tell a friend how to act if you know someone like this.
*SIDE NOTE* The examples used in this blog are real. They have really happened to me. The first conversation is a different guy used in the second conversation.
For them, its a sudden drop of a ball. No communication for no reason. As much as I like to believe that I don't care, and to a certain extent...I don't. In actuality, I don't like to leave books unfinished. For me, I continue to dwell on these things until they no longer invade my thoughts. This only works when you can totally avoid the person. In my case...some things are inevitable. So its time to take a visit to my past and deal with the things, mainly people, that I have chosen to ignore. I pray for strength, humility, and patience because this is not going to be easy. I have had an anger issue for as long as I can remember and I have grown but it remains repressed until I have reached a breaking point. So in due time (hopefully before the new year), I am going to confront all the things that have caused an issue in my life.
Boots, Scarves, and Umbrellas...Oh My!!!
Make it meaningful
Fact #1: The average male penis is 5.4 inches. Ladies...if you get anything over six inches, congratulations, your man is packin. If you get anything under 5.5 inches, your man is bringing down the curve.
Fact #2: Smoking makes the dick smaller. It has something to do with the release of nitric oxide which stops or slows down that rush of blood, causing the penis to not reach its full length. Question: I wonder if this includes weed?
Fact #3: Losing weight adds up to an inch to the male penis. This is because the loss of the belly fat allows you to see an extra inch of the penis.
Fact #4: One of the testes is supposed to larger than the other. This is usually the left testicle that is supposed to be larger than the right. They are also asymmetrical so they do not hit each other. The size of the male testicles are supposed to be the size of walnuts. If they are smaller, it may mean that your testosterone is low. If they are bigger, you wanna go get checked out...could be infected, a cyst, or a tumor (usually benign).
As you can see, I was heavily enthralled with the show. I did watch the whole thing and found out a lot of useful information. However, I believe you can see which one captivated my attention the most...LOL [smiley face]. (that's for you Trey Songz ;-)
I'm lowkey hella juiced
It's like this song was written just for me...
I don't fancy you too much
I don't fancy you too much, child
I don't fancy you too much
You think you're cute, you think you're fine
You're always trying to steal my shine
Get off of me, don't mess with me
You know who you are
I've always been so nice to you, girl
Helping you girl, there for you girl
You always tried to compete with me, girl
Using me girl, abusing me girl
Flirtin' with every man you see
Especially if the man likes me
Baby where's your self esteem
Find your own identity
(Your head ain't right) No congratulating schemer
(Your head ain't right) You's a liar and a cheater
And I don't want you I don't want you I don't want you no more
Don't come knockin' at my door
I don't know what you came here for, if you didn't know then now you know
I don't fancy you too much, child
I don't fancy you too much
I don't fancy you too much, child
I don't fancy you too much
You think you're cute, you think you're fine
You're always trying to steal my shine
Get off of me, don't mess with me
You know who you are
Roll those eyes girl, twist them hips girl
Swing those hands all in the air
If you wonder why you never had a girlfriend, I think I made myself clear
Girl change your ways right now today
Stop hating me, baby find your own identity
(Your head ain't right) No congratulating schemer
(Your head ain't right) You's a liar and a cheater
And I don't want you I don't want you I don't want you no more
Don't come knockin' at my door
Don't know what you came here for, if you didn't know then now you know
I don't fancy you too much, child
I don't fancy you too much
I don't fancy you too much, child
I don't fancy you too much
You think you're cute, you think you're fine
You're always trying to steal my shine
Get off of me, don't mess with me
You know who you are
Girlfriend Lord knows that I've tried
No matter how much I give to you, you wanna use me for what I got
You take me kindness for weakness, you take advantage of people
One day you shall reap what you sew, girl get your head up out the clouds
Girlfriend, you think you're cute
Girlfriend, don't ya think you're fine
Girlfriend, you're always trying
Always trying to steal my shine
Girlfriend, you think you're cute
I don't fancy you too much, child
I don't fancy you too much
I don't fancy you too much, child
I don't fancy you too much
You think you're cute, you think you're fine
You're always trying to steal my shine
Get off of me, don't mess with me
You know who you are
- Arise, O compatriots,
- Nigeria's call obey
- To serve our Fatherland
- With love and strength and faith.
- The labour of our heroes past
- Shall never be in vain,
- To serve with heart and might
- One nation bound in freedom, peace and unity.
- O God of creation,
- Direct our noble cause;
- Guide our Leaders right:
- Help our Youth the truth to know,
- In love and honesty to grow,
- And living just and true,
- Great lofty heights attain,
- To build a nation where peace and justice shall reign.
Dream #1: My aunt was trying to kill me. This is my father's sister who has stated out loud that she doesn't like me and I could care less because she doesn't tickle my fancy either. But she kidnapped me and had full intent to kill me. I somehow ran into someone I know from UCLA and had him call my sister and tell her that I had been kidnapped and to call the police. *end of dream*
Dream #2: There was a horrible accident on Crenshaw and Imperial where a car just burst into flames and a nearby car caught on fire as well. *end of dream*
By now I'm wide awake watching tv and decided to curl my hair for church. There was some huge event taking place so I knew I had to be up and out of my apartment on time. So I get ready for church and head to my mom's. She needed me to go to a store and pick up a large order of rotisserie chicken. *for the sake of the story I will keep the store nameless* When I get there, the first person I see in the deli section is the stripper who accosted me. And for some reason it makes me hella giddy and I can't stop laughing and smiling to myself. So the guy I spoke to had me doing run around. The chicken wasn't finished when it was supposed to be. Then it wouldn't fit in the cart so I had to get the pulley thing which were all out. So after 25 minutes of waiting and back and forths...I get to the check out line. Right as the girl is ringing me up, there is a small electrical fire and the entire building needed to be evacuated...but best believe I got my chicken and got the hell up outta there.
So I finally get to church that I'm already 35 minutes late for and my aunt asks me to help her set up for the event taking place afterward. Needless to say...I missed church. Once the event got started, the first person I see is my godbrother hanging with my aunt's son {refer to dream #1}. In my mind...he probably came with someone else so I thought nothing of it. But as I set there with my little cousin, Cheta, I see my aunt {refer to dream #1}.
Happy Face
The sunshine was shining
I put on my happy face
I'm living, I'm able,
I'm breathing, I'm grateful
To put on my happy face
Woke up and realized
This world's not
So bad after all
Looked at it through
A child's eyes, and
I saw these beautiful
Things that you
Never think about
Like the ocean, moonlight,
Stars and clouds
It's amazing how
We don't appreciate
Our blessings
There's plenty of people
Who don't like me
But since there are more
Who love me and
I love myself
Sometimes, it gets tough,
It gets tough
But I can't give up,
Can't give up
Just take a deep breath,
Close my eyes
Feel the love and
Give a smile
I woke up this morning,
The sunshine was shining
I put on my happy face
I'm living, I'm able,
I'm breathing, I'm grateful
To put on my happy face
I woke up this morning,
The sunshine was shining
I put on my happy face
I'm living, I'm able,
I'm breathing, I'm grateful
To put on my happy face
It's me,
I just wanna be happy
Uh, just be happy, uh,
Just be happy
Today is the day
I am willing to say
I will put all the
Past behind me,
No more enemies
Ready 'cause
(Ready 'cause)
I'm living in this world
(Lving in this world)
I wanna make a change
(Wnna make a change)
Gonna make a change
(Gnna make a change)
Put on my happy face
I woke up this morning,
Te sunshine was shining
I put on my happy face
I'm living, I'm able,
I'm breathing, I'm grateful
To put on my happy face
I woke up this morning,
The sunshine was shining
I put on my happy face
I'm living, I'm able,
I'm breathing, I'm grateful
To put on my happy face
Everything's gonna be all right,
Everything's gonna be okay
Everything's gonna be all right,
Everything's gonna be okay
Gonna be all right,
Everything's gonna be all right
Everything's gonna be all right,
Everything's gonna be okay
Gonna be all right,
Everything's gonna be all right
Everything's gonna be all right,
Everything's gonna be okay
Gonna be all right,
Everything's gonna be all right
Everything's gonna be all right,
Everything's gonna be okay
I woke up this morning,
The sunshine was shining
I put on my happy face
I'm living, I'm able,
I'm breathing, I'm grateful
To put on my happy face
I woke up this morning,
The sunshine was shining
I put on my happy face
I'm living, I'm able,
I'm breathing, I'm grateful
To put on my happy face
I woke up this morning
With a happy face
I'm flying, I'm flying,
I'm flying, I'm flying
I'm flying, I'm flying,
I'm flying, I'm flying
I'm flying, I'm flying,
I'm flying, I'm flying
Flying, flying
Spiraling Thoughts
Spiraling out of control
OnMyRadio: Another One-Chrisette Michele
First, a "friend" was out of town the entire summer. The day she was supposed to come back, we had a night out planned for her because we missed her. Only to find out that she wanted to spend the weekend with her aunt and her cousins. Even though she knew we had something planned, I didn't mind. I'd pick a weekend with family too. The only problem I had was that she didn't have the courtesy to tell us that she had changed her mind about going out. Thank goodness I didn't cook. Anyway, that was damn near two weeks ago and I have yet to hear from her. Now, I'm more than slightly offended. Do what you need to do, but be considerate of others that planned something for you and let them know what's going on. So after not hearing from her for a couple of days, I began to wonder if she was okay. In my former life, I swear I was a detective. So I signed on with an alternate screen name only to find out that my screen name had been blocked because there she was online. I like to think I give people the benefit of the doubt, but how many times before frustration lies in and you say fuck em? So here I am...I lowkey don't care. I wish her the best.
Second; Recently, I met this guy that for some reason has me intrigued. Usually when this happens, I don't tell people. I hate having people in my personal life because they would either use it against you, or go after the person whom you're interested in. (unless its someone who just knows better...this is why I will forever love my besties.) So I went out yesterday with this second "friend" and I invited the guy. And there she goes...off at the mouth. I can respect people's free nature. Those who don't really give a damn about what others think. But here's where I draw the line: everyone does not need to know about your sex life. The more you talk about it, the more "loose" you look. And to pass it off as "just being honest/real" doesn't cut it. Especially with the guy that your so-called friend is in to. Hence my away message for the previous night "that's why you don't tell bitches shit". And people wonder why its hard for me to trust others. When I trust people with a piece of information, it tends to backfire. Now I gotta do the Heisman and keep her at arm's length. TOO many people have warned me about her. In my mind, I figured that's just how she is. But damn...can we try a little bit of couth? So I was definitely pissed last night. Hence my recent frustrations.
I don't like it unless its brand new...
So I question...what's the problem? Is that I'm afraid to just get up and speak or is it that I'm afraid to share a part of myself with people I don't even know? Or is it a combination of both? Only God knows and only time will tell...
Good things come to those who wait
So why don't we...
Wait for you to learn more than the curves on my body
Wait for me to learn more than your current circumstance
Wait for a real love to develop and flourish
I want to be your good thing
The reason you wake up smiling
The one you think of when you feel down
The one you call because I can bring you back up
Not quite like Beyonce
I don't need to upgrade you
I want to compliment you
For us to upgrade each other
For us to share ideas on how to become better people
But how can we have this
If you don't
In Loving Memory...
Yet no emotion can formulate
No words come to mind
And no voice comes out
I want to write to release the pain
To release the angst
To release the fear I feel
Knowing that my life is forever changed
A physical disappearance
Has caused an infinite memory
And I thank you
Thank you for your encouragement
Thank you for your belief
Thank you for your dedication and inspiration
Thank you for being you
Rest in peace Janet Elizabeth Brown
My Progress
Progress: Middle English progresse, from Latin prōgressus, from past participle of prōgredī, to advance : prō-, forward; see pro-1 + gradī, to go, walk; see ghredh- in Indo-European roots.
If that's what progress means in its original form...I haven't been very successful. I look at the ring that I wear as and feel like there is no point in wearing it if I continue to live my life in the parameters of this box I have placed myself in. I firmly believe in becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable. So why is it that whenever I want to do something outside my box, I become nervous and regress back inside this box?
Okay...so I actually know the answer to that. It's because I don't like the concept of change. As necessary as it is and as vital as it is to the maturation of people in general, I can't seem to want to change myself. I would rather those around me to change to adjust to what is comfortable for me. And in my mind, I know its not realistic because the only change I have direct power over is the power to change myself.
So what now?!?!?
Obstacles in my way
Why is that whenever you try and do something positive, or be positive, someone or something comes along and blocks forward movement?
I'm constantly criticized for remaining stagnant in my personal growth. People tell me all the time that the methods I employ in handling personal issues are not garnering effective change. So in my efforts to become a better person, I try a different method. I tried to handle things before it became a big deal. And unbeknownst to me, the same person who hashed out the criticism is the same one that really needs the change. To criticize and recommend change, then be the one not to make forward progression is paradoxical. Not only that, but I don't think anyone is justified in telling someone else how to conduct themselves. The only person who can induce change, is the person who needs change. Until they realize that change is needed, the recommendations fall on deaf ears.
I'm at a loss for words. I feel like I'm stuck in a conundrum. I can't seem to get past the hypocrisy that lies within people. And don't get me wrong, I'm guilty of hypocrisy also, but the difference is that I'm aware of my faults and am actively working on falling in love with myself. And the only way to fully love myself is to adhere to my goal of actively becoming a better person. Most people are knowledgable of their faults and that's where the work stops. I'm removing myself away from stagnation, can you say the same?
What in the hell?!?!?
UNFUCKINBELIEVABLE!! Two phone calls made as black teens slept in a car and only one for the white teens vandalizing the car during the day. I know racism still exists but this is simply ridiculous.
If you didn't know...let me break it down for you
As much as I try to deal with issues, I tend to harbor my emotions. I keep them bottled in. Yes I am passive aggressive and the first step to recovery is acknowledgment. So I'm working on it. But I digress. As much as I try to express what I'm feeling when I feel it, I find it easier to internally deal with the issues that I have with other people. Granted I may not talk to you. And when you do attempt to engage me in conversation, I tend to be very short. I keep my answers short, and plaster on a fake smile. But in my mind, I feel that eventually, I will get over it.
The problem comes when people want to make mountains out of mole hills. If I haven't addressed you about anything, chances are the situation is small. Now here comes the conundrum. Smaller issues tend to upset me more than bigger ones. I had a conversation with a couple of people and the conclusion has been the same. I think that getting upset over smaller problems upsets me more because of how small the problem is. And to make it worse, I know that the issue is small and sometimes I allow it to spiral and become this huge problem.
Nonetheless, people tend to have sudden bursts of boldness when they realize something is off. What's even funnier is that these bursts of boldness happen either over the phone or on aim...{laughing to myself}. I'm waiting for the email confrontation...that'll be the day. LOL!! But people have gotten bold with me over Facebook, Myspace, AIM, and over the phone. The phone for me is the last resort. But the first three tend to be the most interesting. I say this because everything can be misinterpreted. And the more people utilize these forms of technology to hash out issues, the more relationships you're going to ruin. So my disclaimer is that if you want to talk to me about something, let's sit down face to face and deal with it. Most people are scared of that face to face contact which is why they resort to these forms of technology to talk. Here's why I disagree with the phone but will tolerate it. The difference between using the phone and the other aforementioned forms of technology is that true emotions can't be denied...almost. You can still fake it over the phone. And going back to the basics of communication, 90% of all communication is non-verbal, which is why the face to face is so much better. So as a note for all of you who read this, if I start acting different around you...there just may be a reason why. If you want to find out and you don't ask me in person, chances are you're not going to get a straight answer from me.
I know I'm stubborn. Its not where I want to be but I've accepted the fact and am trying to work on it. I know I'm complicated. I see things differently than most people. I deal with things a lot different than most people. And no I'm not going to try and see it your way. No...I don't care how you act in situations and that I should know that by now. I could give a good damn when you say "You should know me better than that." Whether you had mal intent or not, the fact still remains that there was damage done. I can tell you how I feel but its up to you on how you deal with it. I can't change you no more than you can change me. I have acknowledged my flaws and am doing what I can to change that. I can accept being wrong. I can accept the criticism that is constantly thrown my way...its difficult but I deal with it. Here's the million dollar question: Can you?
Chris Brown or Rihanna: who is the real victim?

I was at my mom's house watching the Oprah episode that she recorded on domestic violence. Oprah decided to discuss domestic violence with teenagers who go or know someone who has experienced violence after the Chris Brown/Rihanna incident broke. The show feature Tyra Banks who interviewed both of them on her show and received background information on what their household life was like growing up.
Rihanna admitted to Tyra that growing up, she would experience migraines when her parents would argue. Her father was verbally abusive to her mother. And when her parents divorced, her migraines went away. In the case of Chris Brown, a male acquaintance of his mother would verbally and physically abouse his mother. This was a traumatic experience for him from the age of seven to thirteen. (a little background: lets understand that in the case of both these CHILDREN, they were scarred at an age where memories and habits take a subconscious seat. And no matter how much you say "that can never be me" when put into a similar situation, you revert back to these memories and respond in a manner that is familiar)
Who is the real victim?: They both are victims in this situation. I want to go on record saying that I in no way condone domestic violence. I think it is wrong for a man or WOMAN to hit their partner. Lets be honest with ourselves and recognize that abuse of any kind is wrong and that women can sometimes be abusers. With that being said, one thing people fail to realize is that Rihanna lashed out on him, in a manner that is similar to what she experienced as a child growing up and watching her parents' behavior. I wasn't in the car with them and I can't say that she hit him, but my hypothesis would be that she did. Please take into consideration that Chris Brown was driving when all of this started and that she was upset over a text message. (The text message I feel is worth mentioning because if you were a real woman, why would you allow a text message to make you upset. That is a childlike syndrome. Real women get even or walk away. Children have bitch fits and get jealously upset)
His natural reaction would be to hit back when being attacked. Going back to his childhood, he watched his mother be abused. She may have hit back which would explain why Chris Brown hit Rihanna back or his mother may not have hit back and Brown hits her back because he wishes it was something his mother would have done. I wasn't in the household but its an educated guess with all the information that I hear or have read about in regards to domestic violence. So I conclude that they are both victims in this situation because they are a product of their childhood.
On a different note, I firmly believe that there was a line that was crossed. The comments that were allegedly made in regards to him verbally threatening her went too far. The excessive force that he used while attacking her were far too extreme. (But from a first hand experience, anger can be blinding. You don't realize your own strength until the damage is done). But please note that Rihanna got back with him after this situation. Although that was probably not the best move so soon, you can't fault her from going back. There are two ways to look at that: 1) she is a product of her upbringing. Meaning she watched her parents stay together until her mother finally said enough is enough and got the divorce or 2) she has a guilty conscience in knowing that she played a role in why Chris Brown started hitting her in the first place. Think about it, as a woman, if you continuously lash out at someone (a.k.a. verbally or physically attack), the person will only take it for so long before they retaliate.
I agree that Chris Brown was wrong in the sense that he went too far. I feel that people want to look at this in black and white and refuse to acknowledge the large gray area that plays a role in the behavior that took place on that unfortunate night. But at the same time we must acknowledge that both of these people have been victims of abuse and behaved in a way that was natural to them, although it is a suppressed memory.
I still love Chris Brown and I pray that the both of them find the help they need in order to overcome their tragedies.
*Disclaimer: I though the picture was funny. No disrespect*
Cuz I'm close to the edge
I'm tryin
Not to lose my head
(Uh huh huh huh huh)
Its like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder
How I keep from going under"
Much like most of my blogs, I do some of my best thinking in the shower. Anyway...this song came to me and made me realize how close I am to the edge. Reflecting on my depression, I recognized that I wasn't feeling like myself. At it dawned on me, is this how people feel when they seriously go crazy? It reminds me of this movie with Diana Ross acting as a schizophrenic. And she said in this movie that it feels like someone stole her brain. Although I don't feel like someone stole my brain, I felt as if I wasn't myself...like there was someone who knew me was operating as me. Some would call this split personality but have I gone crazy?
I feel as if I'm on the edge, stable, yet on the edge. And any thing can come about and knock me off my feet sending me over the edge. Is it me or does anyone else feel like this?
Lost Voyage to Self
But after having her damn near yell at me, from a place of love (all sarcasm aside), I was able to reflect on myself a little this morning. And although I haven't come to a complete solution, here is what I have realized.
I have been conditioned since I was young, to put on fronts as if everything was okay. I grew up without my father in my life for reasons that I prefer not to publicly broadcast. {If I know you well enough and feel comfortable telling you, ask me, and we can talk about it} Nonetheless, he has been out of my life since I was two years old. When I was young, I never really thought too much of it and the phone calls and occasional visits sufficed. But now that I'm 21, I never realized how growing up without him has scarred me until now. Now I see the ramifications it has taken on my soul, my personal relationships, and even how I react daily.
People can go through life and pretend that growing up in a single parent home was cool and that they turned out fine. But who's to say that the inner turmoil they experience doesn't cause some type of havoc on their mental stability. I'm not saying that people go crazy, but there are always those what if moments where you wonder if things would have been different if growing up with both parents would have produced a different outcome.
My story growing up was the same: My dad is in Nigeria. Plain and simple, no need for anyone to ask anymore questions. But people are nosy, so usually the follow up question was "what is he doing". And me being so young, I would shrug my shoulders and respond with whatever came to my head first, "he working" "helping out the family". It wasn't until I was in junior high where I really understood the story behind my father's absence.
Does this have anything to do with me being a contradiction? Of course not!! Because if you want my opinion, we are all walking contradictions. Hell...if you look on the about me section on my facebook, I say that I'm a walking contradiction. So congratulations on pointing out something that I already knew about myself (all sarcasm included). But this situation in my life and my conversation with ________ caused me to realize why I act like everything is okay with me when it isn't. I wouldn't see it as a contradiction, rather it is a mental block to dealing with problems that I have. And if you think about it, its easy for people to point out the faults with others rather than to internalize and deal with their own faults. Do we know our own flaws? Most of us do. What do we do about it? Point them out in other people, see how they deal with it, then try it and see if it will work for us.
I thought I knew who I was, but somewhere in my voyage to myself, I got lost. Maybe its when I changed my post grad plans and was scared to tell my family that what I once had a passion for was gone. Maybe its when I fell on academic difficulty and no longer felt passion for being in school. Maybe its when I realized that I'm scared of relationships because the only relationship I have experienced is the love a mother has for her child. So its no wonder that I have problems being insecure when it comes to romantic relationships and I just don't know what to do or how to act...lol. So who knows where I got lost on finding a better version of myself. But I'm on a mission to figure it out and who knows...maybe I'll find myself on the way.
Curses to you
With that being said...DAMN YOU TIME CHANGE!!! So here I am enjoying my sleep. I look at the time on my tv and see that is 7:30. So I'm like okay...I got half an hour before I need to get up. Then my alarm goes of that notifies me it is 6:30. WHAT THE EFF?!?!? Then sleep moves over so clarity can step in and I remember that the time changed. So I LOST AN HOUR OF SLEEP. That ain't right!!!
I enjoy sleep. Sleep is good. Sleep has done nothing bad to me except for the occasional nightmares. But other than that...I LOVE SLEEP AND SLEEP LOVES ME!!! Why would you deny me that?
But in my quest to understand why daylight saving time happens I found out that Arizona and Hawaii are the only states not to observe DST. Here is a funky fresh website with some information on Daylight Saving Time http://www.webexhibits.org/daylightsaving/k.html
Well...that's my rant for the day. Make sure to go to sleep early so that the time doesn't affect your sleep too much.
I'm up
At 2:00 I watched...okay...I don't remember exactly what I watched . At 3:00 I ate red velvet cake with cherry limeade as I watched the last hour of Clueless and flipped between Tru Confessions on the Disney Channel. (This is a great movie that to this day makes me a little misty eyed). But because its the Disney Channel, it ended at 4:35. So from 4:35 to 5:00, I watched Soulplayer on VH1 Soul where I reminisced with Alicia Keys' "You Don't Know My Name". Now at 5:21, I am watching All Of Us on the controversial, racially filled word: NIGGA. This is the episode where Bobby is playing Go Fish with his white friends on his birthday and yells "Go Fish, NIGGA". On the flip side, Family Matters is about when Carl kills Steve's beetle and Steve takes him to citizen's court.
I've noticed some odd things at this hour via Facebook. Like these videos that people are uploading (and I won't say no names). They're funny, but when is enough, enough? And why do people change their picture like every other day? And why is it that we have more Facebook friends than we do in real life? I mean...I have well over 600 people on my friends list. But I don't even like all those people soooo whyyyyyy are they still there?!?!? Hell if I know. Is it because I don't want to hurt their feelings by deleting them? But why would it matter if not really friends anyway.
So here is what I've learned by 5:31 a.m.: 1) I need to delete people off my friend's list. 2) I may start doing video journals of my own. 3) Facebook is a way to offset boredom but that does not omit the fact that you are in my newsfeed every blessed day. 4) If I'm ever awake at 2 in the morning and am not asleep by 3, I will take some medicine, sick or not, so I can fall asleep.
Unrequited emotion
Lack of reciprocity
Same message
And I just can’t seem to get through
It’s you that I sought
You that I wanted
I called, I text
And still no response
So I hopped in my car
Drove past your house
I just wanted to see if your car was there
Went by your job
They told me you were gone
I just wanted to say hi
I called, it rang twice
Then went to voicemail
Why are you ignoring me
And then I get that
Text message
How romantic
Only to realize it was a forwarded message
That you got from one of yo friends
But my heart still skipped a beat
Cuz at least you remembered I still exist
I wonder if he still likes me
I swear I thought we had something going
Granted you only respond to one text message a week
But at least you responded
You called me while I was in class
And of course I couldn’t answer
But at least you called
You know what…never mind
Fuck that and fuck you
I’m starting to lose myself in a possibility that never existed
I could’ve been your good thing
Your wake-up-in-the-morning-smiling-cuz-I’m-yours-queen
Your damn-I’m-having-a-bad-day-but-when-I-see-my-girl-it’ll-be-all-better
Know what I mean
But fuck it…its your loss
You probably couldn’t handle it anyway3.04.2009
Enough is Enough
I have recently completed my schedule where I can visibly see what it is that I have to do. And upon completion I realized that I have 4 hours during the time that I am at school where I have nothing to do as opposed to the 42+ hours where I am either in class, discussion section, work, or in a meeting of some sort. It is utterly ridiculous that our community is so limited where you have the same people doing everything. As a black student at UCLA we are faced with so many obstacles that we try and tackle them all at the same time while neglecting our foundation. My saying is, "You can try and save the world if you want to, but if your home is falling apart, who is gonna help you achieve your goals?" TAKE CARE OF THE BASICS. We as a community are stretched until there is nothing left. And for a lot of people...they end up leaving the black community after being asked to plan this event for 200 people, be in this show, come volunteer for this thing, work here, don't fail your classes, go to office hours, make sure you study...ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!! So when people start to disappear or avoid you on the walk...I can now understand why.
DAMMIT...I am no one's superwoman...I too am human with human emotions and human capabilities. I can't be expected to do it all. No wonder I was depressed...this shit is fa real about to run me ragged.
Half-Time is in the Buildin!!!
I am a senior in college and I've been tryna figure out what I'm gonna do with my life after I graduate. And although I have legitimate plans, I lowkey want to be a rapper. But I've run into a few problems.
Granted: My alter ego got mad swag. And as soon as Tatyana Desire a.k.a. Hot Taty comes out, GAME OVER. I wanna be able to incorporate other rappers into my persona. So I decided I'ma channel Biggie by putting some type of food into my rhymes; I'ma be like Lil Wayne with the styrofoam cup but step my game up with a travel mug; but I also wanna be like Mos Def and spit some lyrical consciousness; be like Tupac with the contradicting rap persona.
Problem: My freestyle game ain't on point. So I would try and freestyle but can only come up with eight bars at any given time. Every now and then I would be able to spit ten bars but most recently, like yesterday, I was able to come up with 12 bars. So its progressively getting better. But I can never get to that 16 bars.
Solution: I'm gon be a part-time rapper...that's right, PART-TIME!! It's gon be so dope because now I have a gimmick. I'm only gon make half albums that have half songs. I'm gonna have half concerts in an arena where I sell out half the arena. And my stage name: HALF TIME!
So here goes my latest rhyme:
The music is spiritual
My rhymes is lyrical
Feeding real shit
So you all can leave full
Part time rapper
I shine like the clapper
My flow so sharp
It'll leave ya soul on a platter
Full time lady
My style never shady
Yo man stepped to me
Can he get with me? Maybe...
laughin low key
My Most Recent Therapy Session...
Yeah...so I guess I'm gonna be making some calculated decisions.
Unrequited Emotion
*Sighz* The complexity that is the male species...
In my mind: "Chocolate High" by India Arie featuring Musiq
No more to the whack shit
No more to the sadness
No longer in the dark will I sit
Overwhelmed with the craziness
Allowing myself to fall so low
My spirit became shattered
My true emotions I just couldn't show
Those around me couldn't tell
That clouds were blocking my light
My world was crumbling
But it was up to me to get my life right
So...I woke up this morning
Feeling refreshed and refined
A period of sadness
Had weighed down my mind
I woke up this morning
Tired of living in the dark
Reaffirmed in myself
No longer the devil's mark
So GOODBYE to the madness
DEUCES to the whack shit
FUCK YOU to the sadness
My LIGHT is too BRIGHT to live in that dark shit
Spiritual Cleansing...
After speaking with my therapist who told me I was depressed, I figured I would finally speak with my mother after three weeks of no communication with her. I told her what happened in my therapy session and she being a mother, told me that I wasn't depressed. And instead, I need to connect with people because I have been isolating myself. So I personally decide to metaphorically "clean out my closet". I made a mental list of everyone I need to speak with on my road to a healthier spirit. And the more I thought about it, I realized I had a broken spirit. So I woke up on Sunday and went to church after not going in about four weeks.
Its amazing what God will reveal to you. I had been missing church in my life. I needed to repent...that's what was wrong with me. I had disconnected from my faith. Now don't get me wrong, I have connection with God which is where my faith lies. Church to me, simply represents a more structural place to make that connection.
After leaving church, I felt better. I felt lighter. The burden I had been carrying was cast aside and I felt free. So I got in my car to go home and I put in my gospel mix cd and this song came on from Tyler Perry's Class Reunion called "I'm Taking My Life Back":
From when I was a little girl
But I've gone through
So much
That man has clouded my world
Mmm...I remember you
And your blood, oh your blood
Can forgive
So wash me (yeah yeah yeah yeah)
Cleanse me
Forgive me
I want to live
I want to live
I'm taking my life back (yeah yeah yeah yeah)
I'm taking my soul, taking it back
See I want the love
You promised me on calvary
And I'm
Everything the devil stole from me
When you bled and died oh Lord
You made all the pain subside, you see
I have placed my life in his hands
But there has been a change of plans
For me, for me
I'm taking my life back (oh yes I am)
I'm taking my soul back
See I want the love you promised me
On calvary (when when when when when)
When you bled and died
You made all the pain subside
You see (oh oh oh oh Lord)
See I placed my life in mortal mans hands
But there has been a change of plans
For me (for me)
Take me back Lord
Won't you take me back
Father I know I'm not deserving
But if you would
Cleanse me
Wash me (oh Lord)
Father I want to be what you want me to be (yeah)
Teach me to walk right Lord
Lord, I know I need to talk right
I'm callin you
Cleanse me
Wash me, wash me
I'm taking my life back
I'm taking my soul back, Lord
Devil you wanna win
Devil you can't win (no no no no no no no)
Lord I need you to cleanse me
Oh, wash me
(Hey yeah yeah yeah oh oh oh oh yeah)
I want to live yeah...........
I've seen this play dozens of times and the song didn't resonate with me until that Sunday to the point I cried. The devil had found a way and decided to reign over me. And it wasn't until that Sunday where I had to say no more. The devil can't win as long as I serve an awesome God. God showed me how wonderful he is as long as my heart is open.
Yeah...I'm a work in progress. I have never claimed to be perfect. I strive to live right and I thank God for the power of forgiveness and everlasting love. The bible says (and I'm gon try and get this right): God helps those who help themselves. He showed me how powerful His love can be as long as I meet him half way.
In Limbo...
I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster with a blindfold and my hands tied. As much as I would like to take the blindfold off and see what's coming next, my hands are tied.
Its so easy for me to identify what my issues are, and usually I can figure out what my next step will be for me to alleviate my issues. But this time...I just don't know. My life is in limbo and there's nothing I can do to change it.
Sold on Sex
Sex sells
I'm now open
My love for sale
Because you sold me
Hooked me
Something so deep
No one could see
My night dreams
Become daymares
When you're not here
Bringing out the freak in me
When you're freakin me
Touchin me
Teasin me
Kissin me
Pleasin me
I want you
And where ever I can
Loving so good
You're now deep within my soul
Kisses so sweet
I come running when you call
Dripping when you call
Heavy breathing when you call
I come screaming when you call
These daymares got me simpin
You're loving keeps me thinkin
Work goes undone
My thoughts are on one
I was open for business
But now I am done
Release therapy: Letting it go 01/24-01/30 recap
It all started with an ongoing issue I've been having with my sister. Can't quite fingerpoint it, but we can be like water and oil...we don't mix. Don't get me wrong, I love my sister and will do anything for her, but sometimes... Anyway, whenever something happens between us, my mother gets involved. And whenever she gets involved, I seem to withdraw from everyone and everything. So that pretty much added insult to injury. {BTW: I hate when my mom gets involved. I personally believe that my sister and I are old enough to handle our issues by ourselves}
So if this wasn't already weighing me down, here comes MORE DRAMA. There is this girl, who I thought I was cool with until fate showed me her hand, and she happens to like this guy who claims to be my friend but I'm beginning to think otherwise. The guy is at my apartment for the weekend for reasons that I will not disclose. {Press pause: here is some information that should be disclosed. I've known this girl for a few years and not never have we ever hung out so often until she had interest in this guy who claims to be my friend. Push play.} So they're all at my apartment. We're watchin movies and playin games. It got kinda late and everyone is leaving. So when she gets up to leave, so does he. Without any prior knowledge to me, he ups and leaves. Now maybe I'm overreacting. But as a "friend" who helps you out when your in need of help, this being one of those times, I felt the least he could do was tell me he was leaving. Especially when he had just told me earlier that he didn't want to see her.
{Sidebar: Here is where I messed up. Maybe I should have told this girl that the I messed around with this guy. But me trying to be a "friend" to someone who doesn't deserve me in their life, I decided not to. Lesson: be more upfront with people}
So...why am I feeling down because of this? Like I said, I've known this girl since the summer of my freshman year in college and I'm now a senior. I've seen her more in the last month than I have in the last four years of this so-called friendship. I haven't talked to her or this guy since that day they left my apartment. From him: I shouldn't be surprised because its not the first time he's done something like this. However, I'm still shocked because I felt like we've come so much farther than this. From her: I'm utterly speechless. I never saw this coming. Here I am thinking that our friendship is growing, but she was using me to get closer to him. And she had the audacity to say that she didn't want to make it seem like she was using me. LMAO... How silly I was to believe her. But I still laugh because she fails to realize how he really feels about her.
So here's my lesson learned: be aware of brand new behavior. This guy would be at my place often. So it wasn't until after all of this happened when I noticed, she no longer called me on my cell phone but rather my house phone. Question: why is she calling the house number I never gave her. Could this be because he'd be calling her from my house? Brand new behavior...DAMN RIGHT. Calling my house, saying wussup to me, asked if he was there so they can talk. Brand new behavior...DAMN RIGHT. So I am not surprised that because he's not at my house, she has no reason to call...DAMN RIGHT!!
I really wanted to believe the best in this situation. But reality will eventually be revealed and deliver a sizeable dose in my life. So in the case of my family, we have seen thunderstorms and sunny days and we always come out on top. And in the case of these other two people...there's not much I can say. So to the two of you...I wish you the best. You two deserve each other...you both used me and I just want you to remember, karma is a bitch.
{To all of those who checked up on me and got truth out of me as to why I was so sad...Thank you. "I gotcha, I love ya babes."}
Song in mind: My Foolish Heart by Jazmine Sullivan
My Declaration
I, "Beautifully Broken", hereby make the following declaration:
- I will no longer put myself into situations where I allow myself to get hurt
- I will no longer allow myself to be used by friends, lovers, or family
- I will acknowledge my faults and apologize whenever I hurt someone
- I will not hold on to people who don't deserve to be in my life
- I will not allow other people's behavior cause me to have an emotional shut down
- I will regard myself with the highest esteem because no one can love me like I love me
- I will not be the type of person who uses others in order to accomplish something or prove a point. I vow to mean what I say, and say what I mean
- I will work on no longer being passive aggressive
- I will be honest with myself and with others
- I will always be there for those who have been there for me
Dead End
You'd be a dead end
Not male bashing
But experience has no lies
So with my real eyes
I realize
Your real lies
And there was no surprise
Cuz you are just like the rest
But your dead end could never compare
To the two way street
He gave to me
So ur probably thinking
That I'm just speaking
And will find comfort
In the street that leads me nowhere fast
And you'll probably say
That some day
I'll find a way
To beautify the progressive deterioration
But you see
I found my two way street
I give to him
As much as he gives to me
Never a doubt in his mind
Or his heart
All that I have to offer
Is real
So as he and I cruise
Down this street of love
We pass a dead end
You know
Your end
The one I thought I could
Maybe convert to a cul de sac
And increase the property value
Then my real eyes
That you were nothing more
Than a wasted investment
Pseudo-relationships: Why do I put myself through this?!?

I was bored at work when I decided to check out this funky fresh website, conveniently name thefreshxpress.com. While on this website I come across this article called "Deleting Him From my Phone". To summarize, the article basically is about this girl who has this "pseudo relationship" with this guy whom she lowkey has feelings for. They would have all aspects of a relationship without the title and full commitment of a relationship. Little did she know, this was all in her head. So as a symbolic gesture, she struggles with deleting him from her phone. Here's the article if anyone wants to read it in its entirety: http://thefreshxpress.com/?p=404.
Here's my dilemma...I KNOW HOW SHE FEELS. My goodness {chuckles to self}. I had to ask my best friend Joshua why this happens and he couldn't give me an answer. He usually has an answer for everything. (Sidebar: I didn't know how to feel; was I happy I left him speechless or frustrated that I left him speechless.) Any way, I have put myself in this situation a few times. To have this really great guy who you marginalize into the friend category only to repress the feelings you have for him or try to convince yourself that a romantic relationship could never happen. Either way, you are lying to yourself.
I am someone who takes pride in myself at all times. But I'm still human and as a human we must all deal with our insecurities or lack of knowledge and self assess. So here goes my assessment: I currently feel like I'm in this category. I purposely put myself in the "friend zone" with this guy I like(d) {still debating}. I have convinced myself this is the way things were meant to be, that being in a relationship would only complicate things. So the best idea would be to remain friends...further suppressing the truth and continuously lying to myself. And me being who I am will result to being passive aggressive when something doesn't go my way or that slight twinge of jealousy arises when you see something and think to yourself how much you want it to be you. {sidebar: as I write this, Jazmine Sullivan's Need U Bad comes on}. And the one thing that most girls will do is have sex with the guy after being put in the "friend zone". If you know your intentions with a guy is more than platonic, having sex with him would only further complicate the situation. You're probably thinking you're on your way to what you've always wanted and he's thinking it was casual sex between friends.
I question if me putting myself through this is solely my fault. Then I look at the second party involved and analyze his behavior. And from my perception, certain gestures are misleading in the "friend zone". For example: certain types of kisses, hand gestures, and side glances have tendency to mislead the female party involved. I don't want to dwell in the male perspective because for them its simple: "that's just the homegirl". But I just want to go on record saying that if she's just the homegirl...treat her as such. Mean what you say and say what you mean. Don't say or do one thing then turn around and your gestures exhibit a different idea that is counter to what was said earlier.
The sad thing about me realizing all of this is that I still don't know what to do in my current situation. Do I hope he reads this blog and know that I'm passively talking about him or blatantly tell him how I feel and hope a consensus on future relations is reached? I self analyzed but still have failed to come up with a solution much like the author of the article: Do I delete him from my phone or not? But it doesn't really matter if I have his number memorized...
A Sugary Sweet Valentine's Day
1. Yo daddy must be a terrorist cuz you the bomb.
2. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven.
3. If I could rearrange the alphabet I would put U and I together
4. Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again
5. Hi, I'm {insert your name here}
~big brother
6. You know, I got the whole dictionary tatooed on my penis. So why don't you come over later so I can put some words in your mouth
~ Eric S.
7. Well u must be tired cuz u been runnin through my mind all day
~my Bestest
8. Wait girl, where r ur wings, because u r definitely are an angel
~my Bestest
9. I want u to be the ying to my yang
~my Bestest
10. When God made you, he didn't break the mold... He put you on his trophy shelf.
~Joshy Poo
11. Are you from Tennessee cuz you're the only ten I see.
~ Christian
12. Can I check your tag? I wanna see if you were made in heaven.
~ Chris G.
13. Excuse me, you got a second I would like to introduce me. I'm BC I'd love to take you to my studi. Oh that's my room and tonight you be my roomie. And we could watch a movie, maybe watch TV. But the perfect night would be to listen to my CD. Before sleep we could do the 'oohwee' and hopefully your boy doesn't see it on his newsfeed... Haha
~ BC
14. Why do you look so sad? What can I do to make you glad?
~ Megan
15. If you were a booger...I'd pick you.
~ Mark J.
If only he knew...
I thought you treasured
They said
You were my guilty pleasure
But where we are
Now I can measure
That what we had
You never treasured
Never was your physical
Because I loved your personality
Could care less about status
Because I love your drive
Always undescribable
Your presence undeniable
Sometimes unreliable
Your love incompliable
Your lies left me hungry
Your jokes fed my soul
Your warmth kept me smiling
But your distance was so cold
I never knew anything
But always quite enough
Wanted to see the truth in you
But never called your bluff
My girls said
If you fuck him things might get better
Didn't wanna lie to myself
You always made me wetter
Reality drifted in
Because I'm supposed to see
Your presence in my life
Is much more deep
Or so I thought
I kinda feel played
I wanted you to be different
Nothing more than ideas I made
I've done all
That I can do
So at this point in my life
I wash my hands of you