Have you ever been at a point in your life when everything was right? School is going well, your job is challenging but you manage to pull through day by day, week by week because there are people there who care and are willing to help? Only to turn around and discover that you have more support coming from outside your immediate family and it's actually those within your family who are contributing to your stress that leads to failure? Maybe its just me. But I've come to a point where I feel broken. Nothing seems to be right because your foundation is not what it should be. Those who set out to try and break your spirit consciously. It makes no sense why it should be that way. Those who are supposed to be your support system are consciously setting out to break your spirit and bring turmoil into a your space for peace. It's not fair. It's unheard of...essentially it's BULLSHIT. After years of self evaluation and making a conscious effort to be better mentally, spiritually, and physically. For someone to not take notice of the changes that you have made to be better and treat you as if you are still that same little girl you were in search of TRUE SELF. And finally when you think you have that, someone comes in and causes you to become that same little girl, unsure of herself, unsure of self worth, unsure of the changes that you thought were positive were positive at all. Is it not detrimental to my development to have those who are "family" be the same ones that make you feel like shit all the time? Then what defines family? Because these people that I'm living with can't possibly be it. Family is not supposed to make you feel like this.
10 Years Ago...F&L
9 years ago